Product recognition

Automatically identify non-barcoded fresh produce and bulk items, like nuts and confectionery, for a faster, more convenient shopping experience.

Feature Details

Tiliter Enterprise Vision AI provides powerful retail solutions, eliminating the uncertainty of buying items without barcodes. This advanced AI software automatically recognises fresh produce, bakery goods, bulk items, plastic bags, incorrect scans, and more.

Enhance the shopping experience by replacing long look-up or search menus with seamless automation, making shopping faster and more convenient.

For retail, the Tiliter API minimises screen touchpoints, helping shoppers complete their purchases and exit the store more quickly.

AI product recognition

Shopping for fresh made easy, with Tiliter AI software


Reduce customer queues and wait time.


Reduce shrinkage by preventing inaccurate item selections.


Increase efficiency across your store.

The Future of Retail
begins here